Partner-Specific Sustainability Label
Sustainability labels developed by brands themselves are only displayed if the brand demonstrably meets the sustainability criteria defined by Breuninger. In this way, we ensure that the brand pursues and implements holistic and resilient sustainability efforts.
The criteria are divided into the following categories: Transparency, Social, Environmental and Animal Welfare Standards. For a successful assessment, if the brand uses animal materials, the brand must pass at least three of the four categories. If the brand does not use animal materials, it must fulfil at least two of the three categories. Within a category, at least half of the criteria must be met.
You can find the detailed evaluation criteria for the respective category by clicking on the corresponding tile below.
In order to pass the category "Transparency", at least half of the criteria listed below must be met and demonstrated:
Does your company publish a current sustainability report according to customary standards and/or sustainability information on its own website?
Does your company publish information on suppliers and social aspects in production?
Does your company publish information on sustainable products with detailed information on materials and production methods?
Is there any product-specific sustainability information on the product? If yes, which?
The following question is an additional element and is not mandatory for passing the supplier survey.
Does your company participate in sector and/or multi-stakeholder initiatives that aim to improve social and environmental conditions?
In order to pass the category "Social", at least half of the criteria listed below must be met and demonstrated:
Does your company carry out systematic assessments and checks with regard to social risks when selecting new producers and can provide evidence of audit reports when asked? High scores must be achieved in the audits.
Does your company have a Code of Conduct and does it refer to the ILO core labor standards?
Does your company demonstrably promote a fair, accessible and transparent grievance mechanism for workers?
Does your company produce all its articles exclusively in cooperation with cooperatives and/or fair trade organizations?
Does your company produce 100% of the total volume in Europe?
Does your company have pioneering ideas in terms of social standards?
In order to pass the category "Environment", at least half of the criteria listed below must be met and demonstrated:
Does your company carry out systematic assessments and checks with regard to ecological risks when selecting new producers and can provide evidence of audit reports when asked? High scores must be achieved in the audits.
Does your company document ecological science-based key figures - including reduction targets - in the following areas?: Emissions, material use in products, water use, packaging use, chemical use, waste.
Does your company pursue environmentally friendly, resource-saving production?
Which of the following materials do you use to manufacture your product range? [Cotton, chemicals use, denim products]
Does your company refrain from sandblasting jeans?
Does your company have a direct and binding requirement to ban the use of toxic chemicals and substances that goes beyond REACH?
Does your company use PFCs in its products?
Does your company use a mass balance concept for cotton? If yes, which one?
Do you source your cotton from any of the following countries? [China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan]
Does your company have pioneering ideas in terms of ecological standards?
Does your company already have a carbon footprint?
Does your company operate offsetting/reduction strategies that also rely on compensation?
Does your company pay attention to material efficiency and/or recycling/upcycling of packaging?
Does your company have an air cargo ban?
Animal Welfare
In order to pass the category "Animal Welfare", at least half of the criteria listed below must be met and demonstrated:
Are animal materials used in your company's product range?
Does your company have its own animal welfare policy?
Does your company or your suppliers use antimicrobial agents in animal handling?
Does your company use certified animal materials?
Do you work with one or more of the following materials in your company?
→ Real fur, exotic animals or endangered species, angora, materials from live, newborn or aborted animals
Regardless of the above criteria, the Breuninger Animal Welfare Policy applies to each one of our listed brands.